Persecution is real.
Sharing truth brings ridicule.
By Billy H. Balian
Persecution is Real. Sharing truth brings ridicule.
By, Billy H. Balian
This will be a short message to share with you. When I think of truth, I think also of tough love, sharing something impactful that could affect someone emotionally. While that is significantly true, we have to be more honest with ourselves and each other. Too often our friends, many in our family, co-workers and many more, we have a thought that weighs on our mind and yet, we do not speak. We keep silent or we become mildly fearful that if we do speak up that our words will hurt or cause some form of injury to the psyche of the person we are wanting to share with.
Why do we do this?
As I am sure you have already examined and thought about, sharing truth to someone is an important, extremely important part of maturing and growing as people. Being honest with a friend about addictions or sharing a difficult reality brings pain. It’s like fire to the soul. It burns. It really does.
So why do we often hold back? Why do we “sometimes” not say that thing that could help or create a pause in our loved one’s reality? Is it this inherent fear or causing pain? Is it rejection? I am sure you can do a quick “Google Search” and find all kinds of studies, research and resources on this particular subject matter.
let me say this. Sharing truth can also bring ridicule. Ridicule is a form of persecution to another human being. No, you might not be burned at the stake for a religious belief or stoned to death like many in the bible and throughout history. No, you will not be sent off to the Roman Coliseum to battle a gladiator or lion or worse. But you can and often time ARE ridiculed for sharing truth. You may very well be persecuted in other ways.
Today, those who “speak out” many times are caught up in social media and public media ridicule that, quite frankly, because an Americanized Persecution. I am sure it happens globally in the social media world especially. Since we do have access to a worldwide audience through social media platforms. It is NOT uncommon to be ridiculed for speaking up, speaking out or more importantly – taking a stand against a cultural norm.
That is where writing this article is intended to land. There will be many stories, writings perhaps even comments that I share through my writings or social media that will be subject to such ridicule or persecution. I would ask you to think about times in your life when you said something to someone they didn’t like. How did they treat you? How did you feel about it? How did you react? How did they react and what happened after?
As your read anything I share on this website or other writings I would like you to do me a small favor. I would like you to “PAUSE”, yep, pause for a moment. Take a deep breath and then re-read what you just read. Then, once you do that, I would like you to think about what this article just spoke about. Being ridiculed, which is a form of modern persecution, for sharing an idea or thought that may be controversial or different form your own belief or thought process. Then, finally, I would like to you to consider the words written not as an ATTACK on your personally, but as a free thought on a subject. Why? Because it is NOT an attack on your personally no matter how you take it. It is merely a objective view (perhaps different from your own) on an idea or subject.
A free thought. It was not intended to rip a whole in your skin and let you bleed out and die. No. It is intended to cause you to pause for a moment and just think about something. That’s about it. Take it charitably even if you don’t agree. Why? Not just take it charitably but, because you might find that something else that I have shared is something you DO agree with. Maybe even in part.
Dear Reader, we all have areas of our lives we discuss with friends, family and co-workers that we disagree on daily right? We do, we discuss things constantly that we “disagree with” all the time. Yet, in those situations we don’t scream “OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!” do we?
No. Just because I may be a stranger to you and your world, doesn’t mean we have to go to war with thoughts and ideas that we share. Or does it? Ask yourself those questions. I would venture to say in closing, you will find yourself agree and disagreeing even with those loved ones and friends who are extremely close to your life. Why do we have to treat strangers different than those we disagree with on issue that we love?
Just think about it will you?
WANT TO COMMENT? ... please read this one, too!
Before you make any comments read this:
I know you probably think I’ve said or did something wrong. And that’s great. I’ve probably said something wrong or did do something wrong – maybe to you. Argue if you must I love discussions. I don’t think that your disagreeing with me means that you hate me and I certainly do not hate you either - should I?
First – Understand that I view this entire site as an ongoing project – you might be chiming in late, and you’re welcome to do that –feel free to ask for clarification if you don’t understand something. Just be prepared for me to refer you here, to this policy.
Second – This is my house. These are my rules. I’m happy to share with you as long as you extend similar courtesy, but that will be your choice. I reserve the right to edit your comment or delete them. If you really want to come after me, that’s fine too. I’d just prefer we did it in person, it’s harder to hate on someone to their face. What's the point really?
Third – Play the ball. Not the man. We’re hopefully all grown-ups here. Conversation can get heated. Arguments can happen. But make sure you’re not engaging in ad hominem fallacies, or conflating position and person – people have inherent value, arguments don’t always… I don’t buy into the idea that negativity or disagreement are, by definition, not loving or disrespectful.
Fourth – I like to think that this is a civil environment – but if your tone is consistently something I don’t appreciate, I’ll politely invite you to start your own blog or take the next available shuttle to Jupiter or similar planet, I kid I kid.
Fifth – If you really don’t like what I’ve said or done but can’t substantiate your complaint by showing me that I’m wrong or a fool, I’d like you to make your alternative case as passionately, forthrightly and clearly as possible – but don’t hang around whining and wishing I’d change. Change the channel. Go somewhere else. Nobody is forcing you to read or take part and no one is perfect - are you?
Sixth – I reserve the right to quote comments - I assume your comments are public to.
Seventh – If I’ve misrepresented you, please tell me. If I’ve “hurt your feelings” – please tell me, but don’t expect me to care all that much unless I’ve misrepresented you. Offense is almost completely subjective, and it’s not a great measure of truth or love.
Eighth – Interpret charitably. It’s possible, especially given point seven, that I do not mean what you think I mean. Ask. Preferably before taking offense. It’s possible I’m just wrong. Tell me. But assume that I, like all people, am completely fallible. I make mistakes. Don’t read looking for sarcasm, I try not to be sarcastic in anything I do or say, well generally speaking of course. Don’t judge me on the basis of one area of my life. We live and learn throughout.
These are my ideas, they’re my words, these are my experiences but, they’re not my whole life.
Ninth – Try not to say anything online that you wouldn’t say to my face. Try not to say anything about anybody that you wouldn’t say to them really, I mean right?
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Here you go